How to join:
New member applications are very welcome.
PWMC membership online application form
Drop into the club and pick up a membership application form or call on 0118 984 2885 or download a form in Word or PDF format using the links below. Applications have to be seconded an existing member.
The annual membership fee is £20.00, plus there is an initial application fee of £5.00.
Membership runs from February 1st to January 31st.
Renewals are due annually in February.
A late fee of £5.00 will be charged for persons who miss the renewal date.
We have had a new membership system installed, so request that you renew/ join in person so that we can take your photograph.
- Please note that pensioners are only entitled to a reduced price if you have been a member of the Pangbourne Club for ten consecutive years. If you are not sure and would like to check, please contact the office.
Email –
Existing members, to set up Direct Debit, please click HERE
Club members will be issued with a Proximity card that identifies them as “a paid up member”. This will enable our committee and staff to identify non-members.
The EPOS system will be programmed that when a member present their card upon paying at the bar, they are given the “members bar price”.
Any none members will pay a higher price as they are not members and have no card.
Your annual membership subscription collection can be a complicated and long drawn out task. Our new system will streamline the subscriptions collections whereby members will be able to pay for their subscription over the bar at the till using their new Proximity card, this is as easy as paying for a pint of lager and they can be issued with a printed receipt.
We are also offering a membership discount of 25% for anyone that would like to set up a yearly direct debit for your membership.
The EPOS system will identify the member from his/ her card and record to the club computer that they have paid at the bar, and their card will automatically be renewed on the system until the next renewal period.
Any late payers will have their card automatically suspended and when presented at the bar they will have to pay “none members bar prices” until they pay up!
Download Hall Hire Form HERE
PWMC is affiliated to the politically neutral Club and Institute Union (CIU)